Fat man Little boy analysis

In this post I will be discussing the moral stand points of the scientists In  the movies "Fat man Little boy" how those points changed.

J. Robert Oppenheimer is the head scientist who brings all the scientist together for the project as well as lead the project. In the beginning of the movie he is hesitant but willing to work on the project more than anything wanting to know if he could do it. Towards the middle of the movie when he regains contact with his "friend" Jean Tatlock who is a known communist. She seems to change his mind about the project for a short wile but after she dies he becomes more willing to comply and works diligently to complete the project.

Wile J. Robert Oppenheimer only motives seemed to be his ego, Michael Merriman at the beginning seemed excited at the prospect of taking on the project and stays dedicated to the project until he reads the Chicago petition at which point he starts to question the work that they are doing. If not for dying of radiation poisoning it's logical to assume that he would have protested against the bomb.   

Overall most of the scientist at the beginning of the movie were at least willing to work on the project with a few questioners, but once they got word that the Germans were not building a similar bomb a lot of them started to protest the making of the bomb.


  1. This is a pretty basic discussion, and you don't mention the Gojira movie at all.


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